Why Your Interior Design Business Needs Content Marketing [4 TIPS!]

Interior design content marketing - Why Your Interior Design Business Needs Content Marketing.

3 Powerhouse Ways to Explode Your Interior Design Business: https://zukais.co.uk/interior-design/

In this video, I'll be going over exactly why your interior design business needs a content marketing strategy. Now just before I get into it, who am I?

Well, very briefly, my name's Zukaise. What I do, is grow businesses by ranking Google. I've actually brought in thousands worth of revenue by ranking businesses on

Google. So, let's get straight into this video. First of all, what is content marketing and why do you need it?

Well, it's actually pretty straight forward. Content marketing is simply publishing materials online. This can include things like a blog post, YouTube videos,

podcasts, videos, but I believe I already said that. It could be live streams on Facebook, and you get the idea. Any piece of content that could be published online.

Why do you need it? What's the point of it, right? Well, imagine this. Imagine if you go a date for the first time with someone, and you say, "will you marry me?"

Well, what are the chances of that person actually marrying you? Zero. Do you know why? Because they don't know you, they don't know anything about who you are. The

same thing applies to your business. If you ask someone to buy from me for the first time, guess what? There's a very low chance that they'll actually purchase from


This is where content marketing comes in. It helps warm up visitors, right? It helps warm people up to your business and it gets them ready to buy and really push them

into making that buying decision. That's going to be, that only comes into place, with an effective marketing strategy or content marketing strategy. What interior

designers should have in their content marketing strategy.

There are actually four main things that I've highlighted. There are more, but I've only highlighted four of them because I believe they are the most important. First

of all, this is one that I didn't implement but since I did, I started to see a lot more results. First of all, you need to have an end goal in mind with each piece of

content you publish. Basically, all this means, is what's the point of that piece of content you're publishing, right? Don't just publish just for the sake of it.

You need to have an end goal, and a call to action, right? So, let's just say you've published a blog post. You could have a call to action asking people to opt in to

your email or to responder. The end goal of your content could be to get the visitor to give you a ring. It could be to build your credibility, and that's what you're

doing here, right? You're just trying to define and determine your end goal for that piece of content. What's the point of it?

Next up is engage in SEO. Now this is something that a lot of people don't do. It actually blows my mind. Now, the thing is with SEO people automatically assume

ranking on Google, which is understandable. That's kind of the main reason you do SEO. Just in case you don't know what SEO is, SEO simply stands for Search Engine

Optimization, and all you're doing is ranking on search engines, right?

The main search engine, the main thing that comes into someones mind when they think of a search engine or SEO is Google. But, there are a lot more search engines out

there like LinkedIn is a search engine, right? That's that search feature. Pinterest, even Facebook, and there are a bunch of other things out there. So, if you're

publishing on LinkedIn, well guess what? You're going to want to optimize for the LinkedIn search engine, right?

The ways you can actually optimize for any search engine out there is to simply put in your key words. What do you want people to find if they're searching on the

search feature, right? What do you want people to find? I'd recommend putting in key words, and you can get a bit more advanced, but I'll leave it at that, right? I

don't want to dive too much into SEO.

Next up, is have a distribution and promotion method. You see, the thing is, a lot of people have this thing where they say, "build it and they will come." But, this

simply isn't the case. For example, I've published massive pieces of content that add a lot of value to the web, however no one saw it. But, as soon as I started to

promote that piece of content, that's when it suddenly got a spike in visitors and it just got a lot more traffic and traction. So, that's what you're going to want to

do. Actually plan out your distribution and promotion methods. Are you going to try to rank that piece of content on Google? Are you going to run ads to it? Are you

going to share it on social media?

Are you going to create a video on YouTube and then people, and then ask people to check out that piece of content? Are you going to go on forums like Quora and

promote that piece of content? Yeah, you just need a plan on your distribution and promotion methods.


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